Hi, Wally. Thanks so much for your reply! Part of the joy of genealogy, for me, is making new connections with people, especially if we might be climbing common branches on our family trees. I retired in 2016 and, since then, have been carrying on the genealogical work of my father, who died in 2008 and left all his paper records to me. Along the way, admittedly spurred on by the PBS series "Poldark" series (2015-2019), I began to research Holly's family. I planted her Odgers tree on Ancestry.com and have made some fascinating discoveries. including the fact that we're living in New Jersey, a 20-minute drive from the potter's field in which her 2nd great grandfather was buried, following a tragic mining accident. I'm uncertain about a connection to Idaho or Montana, but I'll email additional information. Appreciatively, Bill