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Article I, Name:


The name of this organization shall be CORNISH AMERICAN HERITAGE SOCIETY, henceforth referred to in this document as CAHS.


Article II, Purpose:


CAHS shall be organized on a non-profit basis exclusively for charitable and/or educational purposes within the meaning of 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law. The specific purpose of the organization includes, but is not limited to:


1.Preserving Cornish heritage and the heritage of Cornish emigrants to North America as they intermingled into the culture of their new homes.


2.Stimulating interest in the traditions and culture of the Cornish people and the Cornish component in North American traditions and culture.


3.Providing social and informational gatherings of the organization on a regular basis for its members and other interested persons.


4.Providing a link between other Cornish heritage associations and to Cornwall.


No part of the activities of this organization shall consist of the publication or dissemination of materials with the purpose to attempt to influence legislation or any cause or measure being submitted to the general populace of a vote. The organization shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.


Article III, Organization:


1.The Cornish American Heritage Society shall be a non-profit organization.


2.The operating expenses of CAHS shall come from conference income, service fees, fundraising, profits from CAHS paraphernalia, and donations.


3.There shall be no stock issued.


4.There shall be no division or dispensation of CAHS monies to any member or other individual other than for reimbursement of valid, authorized expenses incurred by a person on behalf of CAHS or for matters approved by the Officers either by specific action or that are a part of the annual budget.


5.If program and social inactivity occurs over a period of time, monies and materials belonging to CAHS shall be returned to the officers for safe keeping. Such resources shall be made available to a succeeding program, planning committee, or active slate of officers for the use in scheduled Gatherings or CAHS meetings.


6.In the event no CAHS information meetings and social Gatherings are scheduled within five calendar years of the most recent event, the officers are authorized to dissolve CAHS, contributing any CAHS monies and resources to a 501 (c)(3) organization or organizations.


Article IV, Membership and Voting:


1.All persons interested in the purposes and goals of the organization are eligible for membership. Cornish heritage is not a requirement for membership.


2.Each individual in good standing shall have one vote at any general membership meeting of CAHS. To be considered a member in good standing, a person must be registered as a Kowetha. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted at any business meeting of CAHS.


Article V. Officers:


1.The officers of CAHS include President, Treasurer, Historian, Secretary, Membership Chair, Social Media Chair, Past President, and Newsletter Editor. All are voting members. Such officers serve through the next scheduled Gathering of the Cornish Cousins or CAHS informational and social meeting, when an election of officers shall be conducted.


2.The President shall preside at all meetings of CAHS and shall appoint committees as may be appropriate with the concurrence of a majority of the Officers. The President, with the help and suggestions of the Officers, shall develop a slate of Officers to be presented to the Kowetha at the Business meeting of the Gathering. In case that the President cannot serve, the Past President shall fulfill the duties of the President until a new President can be elected.


3.The Treasurer shall be responsible for managing all CAHS monies, assets and accounts; paying CAHS bills on a monthly basis; and maintaining financial records. The Treasurer shall report income, expenses, assets, and liabilities to the membership annually; file the appropriate tax returns as a non-profit entity; and provide CAHS reviewers with all necessary financial data.


4.The Historian shall collect and maintain records of historical relevance concerning CAHS and will be the liaison between CAHS and archivist(s) at The Mineral Point Archives at the Mineral Point Public Library.


5.The Secretary shall be responsible for all appropriate CAHS correspondence. They shall take and maintain adequate minutes or notes of Officers meetings, Gatherings of the Cornish Cousins, and other meetings, so as to ensure that a record is maintained for the current and future officers, as well for historical and reference purposes.


6.The Membership Chair shall be responsible for all membership affairs concerning the Society. This includes maintaining an up-to-date mailing lists and membership information. This may also include website maintenance and promoting community activities, such as forums and other events.


7.The Social Media Chair shall provide leadership and/or technical support on virtual/online/Zoom meetings as necessary and shall aid the Membership Chair with media, especially maintaining the website and with social media activities on Facebook, Instagram, and other relevant communication platforms.


8.The Past President shall lead CAHS meetings when the President is not available to do so. They will continue in this capacity until the current President is again available or a new President is chosen. They will support the Officers and advise the President and other officers regarding past practices, general administration, and other matters to assist in the effective ongoing operation of CAHS.


9.The Newsletter Editor shall write and disperse the newsletter of CAHS called Tam Kernewek. The format and frequency of the newsletter shall be defined by the Newsletter Editor. Changes to the newsletter format and/or frequency must be approved by the Officers.


10.The event Chairperson for each biennial Gathering shall be appointed by the President with concurrence of a majority of the Officers. The Chairperson shall be a member of CAHS. They will be responsible for the planning and programing of Gathering of Cornish Cousins or other informational and/or social activity of CAHS. The Gathering Chairperson is a non-voting position with respect to the CAHS Officers.


Article VI, Committees:


1.Special or regular committees shall be designated, as needs may develop, by the President. These committees shall have specific responsibilities. The President shall appoint each chairperson with concurrence of a majority of the Officers. The chairperson shall report regularly to the President, working as closely as may be appropriate with the Officers.


2.The President and the Officers with the recommendation of the Treasurer shall select an independent reviewer. A review of the books of CAHS shall be conducted at the end of each two-year period following the last review, before the biennial membership meeting, and presented at this meeting; and a review of the books of CAHS shall be conducted at the time of appointment of a new Treasurer and presented to the Officers.


3.A Nominating Committee, consisting of two Officers and one non-Officer shall be appointed by the President a year prior to the biennial membership meeting. The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of candidates (one for each office) at the next biennial membership meeting. Notice of the slate of candidates shall be shared in the spring issue of the newsletter in the year of the Gathering. Nominations for alternate candidates for open officer positions will also be entertained from the floor at any meeting where an election is to take place.


Article VII, Dues:


No dues shall be collected. Membership is dependent solely on the person's registration as a Kowetha currently by means of the Cousin Jack website (


Article VIII, Meetings and Activities:


A Gathering of the Cornish Cousins, or other informational meetings and/or social activities, shall be held biennially or as close to biennially possible. Other meetings or activities may be held on a national or regional basis in the name of CAHS with the knowledge and approval of the President and other Officers.


Article IX, Amendments:


1. The By-Laws of CAHS may be amended by the following procedure:


A. The Officers shall adopt a resolution setting for the proposed amendment(s) and submit it for a vote of the membership.


B. Written or printed notice setting forth the proposed amendments shall be given to each member thirty (30) days prior to the vote.


C. A vote of the membership shall be taken on the proposed amendment(s) and shall be adopted upon receiving and affirmative vote of a majority of the legal ballots cast.


2. Any member of CAHS may recommend an amendment of the by-laws to the Officers.



These BYLAWS ADOPTED AS AMENDED: August 18, 2024


This proposed Constitution of the Cornish American Heritage Society is respectfully submitted by the Officers of the Cornish American Society 2021 - 2024. To take effect after the 20th Gathering of the Cornish Cousins at Calumet, Michigan. August 18, 2024

Thomas D. Rusch, President

Carolyn Haines, Past President and Newsletter Editor

Dorothy Hosking, Treasurer

John Trestrail, Membership

Chris Haines, Social Media


Wander around the site, email your questions, become a member. Let the CAHS be your introduction to all things Cornwall. And let our gatherings, whether in local society, the Gatherings of Cornish Cousins in the Americas, or the Grand Homecoming to Cornwall called Dehwelans — let these be moments that will help you form a long and lasting relationship with all things Cornish.

© 2023 by The Cornish American Heritage Society
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