CAHS Board Meeting Notes
CAHS Officers meeting - Sunday Nov 17th, 2024
Officers present: Johnny Trestrail, Thomas Rusch, Harry Curnow, Robert Wareham, Christopher Haines, Dorothy Hosking, Carolyn Haines
1. Activities since last officers meeting on Aug 27th (JT)
1. 3 x newsletters, 1 per month, September, October and November
2. 4 x Zooms
3. Karrie’s travels in Cornwall Sept 15
4. Book club - Demelza Poldark Oct 6
5. Debra’s travels in Cornwall Nov 3
 iv.Cornish in LATAM Nov 17
1. Calendar review (JT) appeared to be up to date with the items listed, looking forward are the January Book Club, Officer meeting web event, and new member meeting
2. Membership update (BW): total members 258, new members 35 with a welcome letter sent out to each of them.
3. Treasurer report (DH)When the books are closed on the Gathering it looks like the CAHS and Calumet group will each receive about $1200. Finally have the Vanguard statement after several years of trying to get all the information that was wanted in order to change hands from Carolyn Haines to Johnny Trestrail. Account has about $11,068 in it and we will have to decide if we will keep it there or draw it out and what it should be used for. Dorothy is looking into a new system since the Quick Books has been changed at a higher cost. Tech Soup is a quick books system at $80/yr.
4. Newsletter report (TR) We have officially decided to go from a quarterly newsletter to a monthly one with current events and future events. It would be coordinated with the website Forum between Tom and Chris.
5. Secretary report (CH) One meeting has been processed and given to President
6. Historian report (HC) The Archives of Mineral Point have all of our historical information.
7. Social media report (CH) Facebook had 100 posts, and 10 new followers 866 total. Facebook group has 211 members with 32 actives the past 60 days, may need a way to keep folks when they click on one of the videos. We have 32 subjects, 324 views but 270 click off after a few minutes. Chris gave us a couple of hints to use to see if we would get more activity. He also will be looking for the holiday promotions and posting them for the merchandise we have for sale with CAHS logos,
a.Officer chat platform was suggested to make it easier if someone has an idea to discuss. It would be easier than emailing or texting. It was decided to try DISCORD.
1. Archive report (TR) Mineral Point assessed all the boxes of information and produced a list. This was sent to us to approve the list. It was moved to approve the list of information and 2nd by Dorothy and approved by everyone.
            a.Mineral Point archive approval: see above as approved
1. Website update (JT) Johnny told us the website slowed down because the domain had expired. It was decided to go to Wix which was cheaper. Charges for both the Domain and the Wix charges were discussed and approved. Dorothy will get a debit card for Johnny to make it easier to pay the bills.
2. Domain renewal ($79)
3. Wix charge $432 on Dec 13 (was $384; 12.5% increase) Was decided to pay the higher price to get more functions for the website.
4. Promote CAHS online story for holidays? (JT) Approved
5. Book club (JT): Gold Miner in January (date TBD) Book available on Amazon
6. Goal setting for 2025 (JT) Each officer will be setting up goals for the next year 2025. BIG: Engage the NEXT GENERATION,                                                                                                     Chris has set his at: Double/Triple online usage (If we have info we can send it to him and he will get it online)
7. Travel grant for 2025 (JT) There was no feedback from the grantees, so we will proceed with promoting for 2025.
8. Committee for next Gathering (JT) We will contact the Presidents of the Cornish societies to see if anyone is interested in hosting the next gathering in 2026 or 2027.
9. Ideas for programs (JT):
10. Cornish bedtime stories w/ Brian Waters (Gentleman that has a very nice reading voice and has read kids stories before) will be contacted to see if he would do some for usÂ
11. New member orientation in January
12. Cornish language
13. Adam Spring
Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Haines